Write a poem that is following instructions
#Bonus: Don't follow the instructions.
Fall in love with her the way you fall asleep:
slowly, and then
only after a lot of pills.
Read her favourite books, cover to cover. Listen to her favourite song, over and over until the grooves in your brain are ripe for the gramophone needle. Watch her favourite shows, and take notes from the attractive male protagonist. Give yourself a crash course in her. Realise that people are complex, you are no closer to knowing her and your hard drive is now full of old episodes of Sherlock and stale punk rock.
Remember the little things that mean the world to her, like Starbucks flavours, or fandom reblogs.
Forget the big things though, like that you were both functioning people before you met, or that maybe
she actually isn't that into you.
You must learn her.
You must know the reason why she is silent.
Maybe she just fell asleep with her phone on her face.
You must love her because many have tried and failed. And she wants to know that she is worthy to be loved, that she is worthy to be kept.
Unless she is not emotionally stunted, in which case
this is how you creep her
She stops replying for a day. Start asking yourself what you did wrong. This is like a shore asking how it can keep waves from ebbing.
It cannot. Watch her drain out of you anyway, like the colour from the sky. Wait for the storm to break.
Just, please, whatever you do,
don't write a poem about her.
Labels: Joel Tan